Installing LifeKeeper for Linux v9.5.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 When installing LifeKeeper for Linux (LK) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 (RHEL7.9), CentOS 7.9 or Oracle Linux 7.9, please use LK v9.5.1 and follow the steps described below. This step is not required when you do not use DataKeeper or when using Single Server Protection v9.5.1. Also, you will no longer be required to perform these steps when installing LK version after v9.5.1. Target environment: LK version : LifeKeeper for Linux v9.5.1 Operating system : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 CentOS 7.9 Oracle Linux 7.9 *Please follow this step only when using DataKeeper. Please follow the following steps to install LifeKeeper for Linux on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9: 1. Place the “lk-rhel7_9-support” file included with this document in any location on the server where LK v9.5.1 is installed. In this example, it is placed under /root (replace the path name accord to your environment). 2. Follow the normal LK installation procedure; until the setup script is executed. 3. When running setup script to install LK, use the command as follows: # setup --addinfo /root/lk-rhel7_9-support 4. Then complete the setup process following the normal procedure. Also, the next release of SPS-L will include support for RHEL 7.9 and will not require this patch. Click the link below to download SPS for Linux v9.5.1 and RHEL 7.9 patch.