Instructions for Installing LifeKeeper for Linux v9.8.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 July 16, 2024 When installing DataKeeper with LifeKeeper for Linux (LK) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (RHEL8.10) please use LK v9.8.1 and follow the steps described below. These additional installation steps are *not* required when DataKeeper is not used or when installing LifeKeeper Single Server Protection for Linux v9.8.1. In the next release version following LK v9.8.1, these steps will no longer be required. Target environment LK version : LifeKeeper for Linux v9.8.1 Operating system : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 Oracle Linux 8.10 - Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) Rocky Linux 8.10 Installing DataKeeper with LifeKeeper for Linux v9.8.1 on RHEL 8.10 * Note: Perform these steps only when installing DataKeeper. 1. Place the files: HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm.sha256sum anywhere on the server where LK v9.8.1 will be installed. In the steps in this document, it is assumed to be placed under /root. For other locations, change the path name accordingly. 2. Verify the rpm match the check sum file (with expected output): # cd /root # sha256sum -c HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm.sha256sum HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm: OK 3. Follow the normal LK installation steps to the point of running the setup script. 4. Run the setup script with the addHADR option as shown: # ./setup --addHADR /root/HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm 5. Complete the setup script as usual. 6. Ensure that the specified HADR package has been installed correctly as follows. a. Confirm that the package specified in step 3 is installed by using the rpm command. Example output: # rpm -q HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10 HADR-RHAS-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64.rpm b. # modinfo nbd filename: /lib/modules/4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64/weak-updates/lib/modules/steeleye-4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64/extra/nbd.ko license: GPL description: Network Block Device rhelversion: 8.10 srcversion: 4430A1EE6AE7A87E6977407 (further output omitted) Uninstallation Steps 1. Uninstall LK and the HADR-RHAS rpm package using the rmlk command. # /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/rmlk 2. Ensure that the HADR-RHAS rpm package has been successfully uninstalled by executing the following rpm command and verifying that there is no output: # rpm -qa | grep HADR-RHAS-4.18.0